discoverActionPhaseStart state
- id
- name
- type
- description
clienttranslate('${actplayer} must choose a technology to discover');
- descriptionmyturn
clienttranslate('${you} must choose a technology to discover');
- action
- transitions
- possibleactions
not set
- args
not set
- updateGameProgression
- initialprivate
not set
In this state, the active player has to choose a card they are going to discover. They can also cancel their action.
Detailed description
The action is cancellable in order to avoid being blocked at the next step, especially if they notice in the next step that they don’t have enough resources to discover the card. Once the card is selected, the backend checks if active cards cover the costs of the card. If so, the game transitions directly to the discoverActionPhaseDiscover state
Zombie turn
If a player turns into a zombie during this action, then the action should be cancelled, which is the point of the zombieCancel transition.