- trait SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait
- Trait holding functions relative to action handling
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::checkRemainingAction($action, $throwException=true)
- Method responsible to check whether the player is allowed to do the action (both in the framework and gamesense)
- Source
- Parameters
$action (string)
$throwException (bool)
- Returns
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::checkActionHasAlreadyStartedForPlayer($actionId, $playerId)
- Checks whether a multi-step action has already been started for the player and if it corresponds to the actionthat the player is currently doing
- Source
- Parameters
$actionId (int)
$playerId (int)
- Returns
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::setCurrentActionStartForPlayer($actionId, $playerId)
- Method responsible for making DB queries indicating a player has started a multi-step action (i.e. Discover atechnology, draw cards, quick draw, shuffle & draw)
- Source
- Parameters
$actionId (int)
$playerId (int)
- Returns
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::decreaseActionsCountAndChangeState($endPlayerTurn=false, $openNextAge=false)
- Method responsible for decreasing the number of actions the current player has, and to jump to the next state ifthe player has no actions left
- Source
- Parameters
$openNextAge (bool) *
- Returns
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::initializePlayerActions($playerId)
- Makes changes to the DB so that the player starts with a clean DB state
- Source
- Parameters
$playerId (int)
- Returns
- private SwHawk\ProgressEvolutionOfTechnologySWH\Modules\Traits\Utility\PETActionFunctionsTrait::cancelPlayerAction($actionToCancel, $playerId)
- Makes changes to the DB so that a player can cancel an action they previously started. Calling function MUST checkwhether the move is cancelable
- Source
- Parameters
$actionToCancel (int)
$playerId (int)
- Returns